What's a "Soft Opening?"

Winston Churchill once observed that "Perfection is the enemy of progress." Being an old Deming/LEAN guy, you’d think I’d understand that. And I do. Well, except apparently when our names are on the door. In the restaurant biz, a “Soft Opening” allows testing and refinement of processes, recipes, and personnel prior to a “Grand” opening. Hence, I’ve embraced the concept of a “Soft Opening,” giving me permission to not be perfect, while allowing you to kick-the-tires and check out our creative endeavors. We welcome your feedback!!!

As I learned from one of my great Boeing bosses, Carl Jones: “Great idea. What’s the plan? What’s the schedule?” The plan is, an official launch in early October, thereafter rolling-out a new “exhibit” every two months. Between now and then, it’ll be tweaking the site, adding new images, etc. In other words: Continuous Improvement. Duh.

Megan and I would like to thank you for connecting with us and hope you’ll sign-up for the blog/newsletter. We promise to not spam you every few days or weeks. Between blogs, we will post works-in-progress, etc on FaceBook and Instagram.

In October, we’ll hold a drawing for three pieces of our art, including at least one original piece. Names will be drawn from our Blog list. As well, for site purchases up to that point, one entry for every dollar spent.

That I’ve made any progress at all is due to the valuable feedback from: Melany Brown, Mike DeGrow, Dave Dell, Craig Dupler, Mike Eden (https://www.carriagevineyards.com), Marty Eichinger (eichingersculpture.com), Tim and Jayne Ellis, Dan Fear (art-collecting.com), Steve Hagerman, John Hill, Micky Jansen (mickyjansen.com), Paula Janson, Dave Karraker, Martha and Tom Klare (tomklare.net), Manuel Llanos, Nancy Moylan, Ben and Paul Maurer (paulmaurer.com), Tom McConnell (mcconnellassociates.com), Craig Nelson, Carol Peterson (wtws.org/membership/artist-gallery-2/carol-peterson/), Kirby Plessas (kirbyplessasfineart.com), Kathy Reid, Sam Thiewes (samthiewes.com), Chuck and Millie Sabatino (mclarryfineart.com/artists/chuck-sabatino), and, last but not least, Scott and Will Salon. NOTE: My sincerest apologies for any omissions.

And finally, the extraordinary patience of my muse, creative parter and wife, Megan Somerville-Loomis.

That’s it for now. Thanks mucho! T